Water Safety Scenarios

CfE Experiences and Outcomes

I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others and to reduce the potential for harm when possible. HWB 2-16a.

I know and can demonstrate how to keep myself and others safe and how to respond in a range of emergency situations. HWB 2-17a.

1. Connecting the Learning - Remind the class about their previous activities on water safety, particularly about the Water Rescue Team and why they need specialised equipment. Explain that in this lesson they are going to see a variety of water safety scenarios and they will need to work together to choose the safest ending for each story.
2. Sharing the Learning Outcomes-

• I can use my knowledge of water safety to choose a safer outcome in a water hazard story 
3. Active Learning - Use the Go Safe website (Second, Water, Activity 2) on the interactive whiteboard to show the class a series of water safety scenarios. Each scenario shows a potentially dangerous situation involving rivers, lochs or ice and a number of possible options is displayed. Invite the children to work together to choose the safest outcome.
4. Demonstrating Understanding - As the children choose an option ask them to give reasons for their choices and invite questions from other children. Discuss reasons for not choosing the other options and ask the children to predict what might happen.
5. Review and Recall - Use the plenary quiz (on the Go Safe website) to check that the pupils have understood the main safety messages so far. This could either be used on the interactive whiteboard for the whole class, as before, or on individual computers with the children working in pairs to check each other’s answers.
  Resources needed:
Interactive Activity – Water Safety Scenarios
Plenary Quiz – from Pupil activities notes
Image of Water Safety Scenarios
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