Design a Water Safety Poster

CfE Experiences and Outcomes

I know and can demonstrate how to keep myself and others safe and how to respond in a range of emergency situations. HWB 1-17a.

I can use exploration and imagination to solve design problems related to real-life situations. EXA 1-06a.

1. Connecting the Learning - Ask the class to recap on all they know about water safety by giving some examples of water hazards, the types of places they might occur, the possible outcomes and how to get help in an emergency. In this lesson the class are going to think of ways to communicate what they have learned to others in the form of a poster.
2. Sharing the Learning Outcomes-

• I can communicate what I know about water safety to others by making a poster
3. Active Learning - If possible have a selection of real safety posters to show the class, e.g. road safety, railway safety, cyber safety etc. Have a quick discussion on the elements that make posters successful – an easy to understand message or slogan, pictures that help to carry the message, etc.

Explain that the class are going to make their own posters to warn other children about being safe near water. First they will need to think what message they want to convey. Concentrating on one type of hazard or message should make the task a bit easier, e.g. ‘Phone 999 to get help’. ‘Keep away from frozen ponds!’ ‘Reservoirs have hidden dangers!’ etc.

Once the slogan is created the next task is to create the picture element of the poster. The children can either use paper and art materials or there is a poster design function in the Go Safe website. (First, Water, activity 4) They can use the ready-made graphics to suit their message and type in their own slogan.
4. Demonstrating Understanding - Display the completed posters and ask for constructive comments from the class.
Image of Design a Water Safety Poster
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