Spot the Water Hazard

CfE Experiences and Outcomes

I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others and to reduce the potential for harm when possible. HWB 0-16a.

1. Sharing the Learning Outcomes -

• I can spot potential hazards near water in different seasons
• I can give ideas for keeping safe near water or ice
2. Active Learning - Explain that the class are going use their knowledge about water safety to help them play a ‘spot the hazards’ game. (Go Safe website, First, Water, Activity 1) This could be played on individual PC’s but to benefit from the class discussion it would be better to display on a class interactive whiteboard. As a child selects a hazard give them time to explain why they think that situation might be dangerous and ask for suggestions on safer alternatives. There is a summer and winter version of the game to explore hazards near ice.
3. Demonstrating Understanding - Have a ‘Carousel brainstorming’ session to let the pupils demonstrate what they know about water safety. With the class in four groups, ask them to think of ideas to add to the following categories – ‘places near water’, ‘fun activities on or near water’, ‘dangers of water or ice’, ‘safer ways to play near water or ice’ (displayed as headings on A2 sheets of paper). Each group has a short time limit to write their ideas on the A2 sheet then move round to the next sheet and add any different ideas. Discuss the ideas and display the brainstorm sheets.
4. Review and Recall - Remind the class of the Learning Outcomes and ask selected pupils to tell the rest what they know about water safety.
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