Railway History

CfE Experiences and Outcomes

I can discuss why people and events from a particular time in the past were important, placing them within a historical sequence. SOC 2-06a 

As I listen or watch, I can identify and discuss the purpose, main ideas and supporting detail contained within the text, and use this information for different purposes. LIT 2-04a 

I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in an appropriate way for my purpose and use suitable vocabulary for my audience. LIT 2-06a 

I can make notes, organise them under suitable headings and use them to understand information, develop my thinking, explore problems and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate. LIT 2-15a

I consider the impact that layout and presentation will have and can combine lettering, graphics and other features to engage my reader. LIT 2-24a

1. Connecting the Learning - Inform learners that Great Britain was the first nation to use steam locomotives and Britain’s railway is the oldest in the world. Electrified trains have existed for hundreds of years but large scale electrification of the railway Is the latest development in British railway history. Explain to learners that today, they will examine a detailed timeline showing the history of the railway in Britain and use what they learn to create their own text.
2. Sharing the Learning Outcomes -

• I can name at least one person who is important in the history of Britain’s railway and can explain what contribution they made.
• Given a number of key events in the history of Britain’s railway, I can place them within a historical sequence.
• I can write a newspaper article reporting on a news story from the history of Britain’s railway.
3. Active Learning - Use this resource to play the 999 activity. Children work in pairs or as individuals to look at the pictures and decide when they think it would be appropriate to phone 999. Use the teachers notes to aid the discussion.

• What are the benefits of travelling on the railway now, compared to 150 years ago? (for example, faster travel, greater comfort.)
• In your view, what have been the most exciting advances made on the railway? (for example, the Channel Tunnel, Eurostar.)
• What safety measures have been invented? (for example, signalling, level crossings.)
• What do you think the best invention has been? (for example, points, Brunel’s bridges.)
• Why do you think we ate using electricity to power our trains today? (for example, more costeffective, environmentally friendly.)
• Which do you think is more important: train speed, safety or comfort?

As a class, examine the timeline showing the history of the railway. Next, pupils, either individually or in pairs, should choose a different date in railway history and explain their choice. Leaners should then research their historical date and fact perhaps during ICT time or using text-based reference materials, taking notes as appropriate.
4. Demonstrating Understanding - Following a period of research, learners should assume the role of a newspaper journalist and write a headline and a four paragraph newspaper article reporting on their news story.
5. Review and Recall – Learners should have an opportunity to share their newspaper report with their peers. As a class, create a Rail History Timeline and add details of the key events learners reported on in their newspaper article. Can pupils identify at least one individual from the class timeline and/or their newspaper article and explain the contribution they made in the history of rail travel?
Click here to download Railway History activity


ScotRail Safety Messages  
- Keep safe at the platform - stay well back from the edge of the platform
- Keep safe at the station - don’t mess around.
- Stay off the train tracks
- Use bridges to cross the tracks.
- Keep everyone safe - Don’t throw anything at trains or put anything on the tracks. Think about others!
- Respect railway staff - they are there to help and get you to and from school.
- Stay in your seat!
- Keep it clean - no graffiti, vandalism or litter.
- Keep it quiet - your voice and your music!
- Think about how your behaviour is affecting other people’s journeys.
- If you see trouble, don't be scared to report it! Text BTP number, use a help point or speak to a member of staff.

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