Crack the Code

CfE Experiences and Outcomes

As I explore the rights to which I and other are entitled, I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and accept the responsibilities which go with them.  I show respect for the rights of others. HWB1-09a

I understand that my feelings and reactions can change depending on what is happening within and around me.  This helps me to understand my own behaviour and the way others behave. HWB1-04a

1. Sharing the Learning Outcomes -

• I understand that there are consequences to anti-social behaviour
• I am able to accept that there are laws about anti-social behaviour
2. Active Learning - Set the scene by explaining that the children must take on the role of code-crackers.  Set the task either in teams (as in whole class or groups).  Ensure that children understand the need to come to a shared answer and turn take.
3. Demonstrating Understanding - The children will be able to explain the reasons for their answers before making a decision.
4. Review and Recall – Plenary would be through;

• Discussion around which answers were easy and difficult
• Ask children to compare questions and answers to their own experiences
• Encourage children to learn more about the ones they were unsure of and share with their peers
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