Smoke Alarms

CfE Experiences and Outcomes

I know and can demonstrate how to keep myself and others safe and how to respond in a range of emergency situations. HWB 1-17a

I know how to react in unsafe situations and emergencies. HWB 1-42a.

 1. Connecting the Learning - Introduce the topic of fire safety by looking back at the People Who Help us topic, explain that they are now going to learn more about keeping safe in the event of a fire occurring in their home. Explain that smoke alarms are very important and can help keep you safe by warning you if there is a fire in your home. Tell the children that they are going to learn more about smoke alarms and what they should do if they hear one.
2. Sharing the Learning Outcomes -

• I can identify the sound of a smoke alarm.
• I can describe what actions to take in the event of a fire.
• I can inform others how often to test their smoke alarm.
3. Active Learning - Use this resource to play the ‘Smoke Alarm’ activity. Children work in pairs or individually to listen to the sounds and match the correct object to the sound. It may be useful to have a real smoke alarm to help demonstrate.

The next questions are:

• What should you do if you hear the sound of a smoke alarm? (see Teachers Note)
• How often do you think you should test your smoke alarm? (Once a week)
• Do you know how to test your smoke alarm? (Small test button)
• Who do you think should test the smoke alarm in your house? (Mum/Dad/Carer)
4. Demonstrating Understanding - Use the smoke alarm sequence cards from the Teachers Note. In pairs ask the children to put the cards in the correct order.

1.  Shout “FIRE” loudly to alert everyone in the house
2.  If safe to do so, get out of the house quickly and safely
3.  Phone 999
4.  Stay out
5. Home Learning – Children should ask at home if they have a smoke alarm, encourage them to test their smoke alarm. A smoke alarm check list from the Teachers Note can be printed off and provided for the children to take home.
6. Review and Recall – Remind the class about the Learning Outcomes and ask them what they have learned today.
Image of Smoke Alarms
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