Hazard Home

CfE Experiences and Outcomes

I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others and to reduce the potential for harm when possible. HWB 0-16a

1. Connecting the Learning - Introduce home safety by using a ‘feely bag’ (containing , for example, a toy iron, toy frying pan, empty medicine bottle, 13 amp plug, piece of blind cord, empty matchbox, pair of children’s scissors with ends taped together, etc.) Invite pupils to identify the items in the bag and as each item is chosen ask the class why that could be a dangerous item in the home or how it could cause accidents. Explain that dangerous items or situations can be called ‘hazards’.
2.  Sharing the Learning Outcomes-

• I can spot hazards in the home.
• I can explain how to avoid some of the hazards in the home.
3. Active Learning - Use the interactive whiteboard to play ‘Hazard House’ activity. Choose an area of the house then children take turns to click on areas or item and have to explain to the class why they think it may be dangerous. They can check their ideas by listening to the message on screen. With each hazard ask the class for their solutions for how they could be avoided or accidents prevented. 
4. Demonstrating Understanding - Explain that the class are going to think about how they could avoid hazards in the home using ‘Think, Pair and Share’. With the class sitting in pairs give each set of children a ‘hazard picture card’ and ask them to think about how they could avoid the hazard or make it safer.

The pairs could share their ideas by simply reporting back to the class or by role playing a short scenario involving the hazard and acting out how to avoid it. 
5. Review and Recall - Use 2 or 3 of the objects from the ‘feely bag’ to recall ‘What have we learned?’
Image of Hazard Home
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