Traffic Trail

CfE Experiences and Outcomes

I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm when possible. HWB 2-16a

I know and can demonstrate how to travel safely. HWB 2-18a

1.    Connecting the learning – Recap the learning from First Level. Ensure children know and understand the terms, pedestrian, zebra crossing, underpass, traffic island. Explain that in this lesson they will use their knowledge of road safety to answer questions and cross the road safely.

2.    Sharing the Learning Outcome –
•    I can list reasons why roads are dangerous.
•    I can identify safer crossing places and explain how they keep me safer.

3.    Active Learning – To stimulate discussion split the class into 2 teams and carry out the online activity. Ask each team to nominate a reporter to give the group answer, ensure each group agrees with the answers given. The children could also carry out the activity in pairs. Questioning should ensure children have knowledge of road safety language such as aided crossing, pelican, puffin and toucan crossings, pedestrian and Green Cross Code. Streetsense2 has useful flashcards and definitions to clarify meanings.

4.    Demonstrating Understanding – Ask pupils to explain what the different types of crossings are. Give pupils sets of letters and ask them to write questions of their own and test them on each other. Children could make information posters on the types of crossings for display to younger classes.

5.    Review and Recall – Compile a class list of reasons why roads are dangerous. Use flashcards of safer crossing places and ask the children to explain how these help keep us safer on the roads.

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