Guess Who

CfE Experiences and Outcomes

HWB 2-04a - I understand that my feelings and reactions can change depending upon what is happening within and around me. This helps me to understand my own behaviour and the way others behave.

LIT 2-06a - I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in an appropriate way for my purpose and use suitable vocabulary for my audience.
TCH 2-08a - I am developing my knowledge and use of safe and acceptable conduct as I use different technologies to interact and share experiences, ideas and information with others.
TCH 2-04a - I explore and experiment with the features and functions of computer technology and I can use what I learn to support and enhance my learning in different contexts.


Sharing the Learning Outcomes - • I can explain that a message can be understood in different ways by different audiences.
• I can describe how a message can be traced back to its originator through a digital footprint.
• I can explain what cyber bullying is and describe ways to get help for victims of cyber bullying.
2. Active Learning – Begin with a quick game of ‘Chinese Whispers’ and then discuss the different ways you can send a message to another person such as e-mail, text, voice recording, social network sites, etc. Talk about the different ways that messages can get distorted or misinterpreted, just like ‘Chinese Whispers’. Talk about ways that text messages can be misunderstood, including the use of abbreviations.
Use the online activity to look at some examples of written text messages. Work out the different ways a person might interpret the message being sent.
Discuss how it might feel to receive lots of negative messages. How would this affect you? Ensure the class knows that threatening or harassing someone using digital media is called cyber bullying. Look at ways to identify who is sending harmful messages and strategies that can be used to deal with these problems such as blocking a sender, registering a complaint with a service provider or sharing the evidence with a responsible adult.
Remind the class that digital messaging systems store messages and discuss how this might affect a victim of cyber bullying who revisits a harmful message at a later date.
3. Demonstrating Understanding –  The children could-
• Research and make a list of the people that can help with cyber bullying such as school staff, charity organisations, police and service providers. Look at helpful websites and make a list of the best ones. (See links online.)
• Create a cyber bullying leaflet for parents, explaining what it is and how they could help.
• Make anti-cyber bullying posters to advertise good ways of getting help.
4. Review and Recall – When sending messages it is important to think of your audience and ensure that your message is clear.
Cyber bullying is dangerous and can be very harmful to a person or group of people.
Cyber bullying is illegal.
There are organisations to help victims deal with cyber bullying.


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