Guess The Speed

CfE Experiences and Outcomes

I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm when possible. HWB 2-16a

1. Connecting the Learning - Ask the class what they know about speed limits. Why do they think we have speed limits? Explain that the time it takes for a car to stop depends on how fast it is travelling, and that in this activity we will be estimating the speed of a vehicle.
2. Sharing the Learning Outcomes -

•    I can discuss the impact of different stopping distances on pedestrians.
•    I can estimate the speed of moving vehicles.
•    I can identify situations that can affect drivers’ stopping distances.
3. Active Learning -  Pupils should work in small groups and use the online activity to estimate the speeds and then the stopping distances of a vehicle. In the playground mark a line for pupils to stop at. Groups of pupils should then walk, jog and run towards the line to show the different stopping distances. Estimate and then measure out the actual stopping distances. Discuss the consequences of stopping distances for pedestrians. Challenge pupils by asking what other things may impact on a driver’s stopping distance, e.g. wet weather, bad brakes, using a mobile phone.
4. Demonstrating Understanding - Pupils carry out a ‘Think Pair Share’ activity with a partner explaining what is meant by the 3 terms: thinking, braking and stopping distances.  Pupils could devise a method of showing this to scale, either with a drawing or with a model.
5. Review and Recall - As a class recall the stopping distances of a vehicle at different speeds.  Remind pupils of the importance of being able to judge the speed of a vehicle, including ones approaching crossings.
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