
CfE Experiences and Outcomes

I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm when possible. HWB 2-16a

I know and can demonstrate how to travel safely. HWB 2-18a

1. Connecting the Learning - Ask the children to recap on what a Pelican Crossing is (‘push button’ pedestrian crossing.) Explain that in this lesson they will find out more about other types of crossings and how to use crossings when cycling.
2. Sharing the Learning Outcomes -

•    I can name different types of crossing.
•    I can describe ways of cycling safely.
3. Active Learning - Use the online activity to examine crossing roads with a bike. The video shows a scenario where the children discuss cycle helmets and have to cross a road. The video pauses and the children try to identify what did the cyclists do wrong. Ask why helmets are important. Establish that the name of the crossing is a “Toucan Crossing” as both pedestrians and cyclists can use it. Ask if they can name other crossings, zebra, lollipop person.
4. Demonstrating Understanding - In pairs or small groups the children can draw different types of crossings. Label their diagrams with essential rules for crossing safely when on a bike. Extend the learning by carrying out a survey into how many pupils wear helmets, link with the school’s Junior Road Safety Team to highlight the issue in the school.
5. Review and Recall – Remind the class about the Learning Outcomes and ask if they can list types of crossings. Reinforce the safety aspects of wearing helmets and following safe crossing rules when on bikes.


Image of Cycling
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