Safe Crossing

CfE Experiences and Outcomes

Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes
I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm when possible.  HWB 0-16a
I know and can demonstrate how to travel safely. HWB 0-18a

1. Connecting the Learning - Begin by discussing with the class the types of roads near the school. If possible, have a few photos of the roads to help jog memories. Ask the children if they think it is safe to walk or play in the roads near the school. Why not? Explain that in this activity they are going to look at ways of keeping safe near roads and how to cross safely.
2. Sharing the Learning Outcomes -

• I can explain why roads are dangerous.
• I can explain how to cross the road safely.
3. Active Learning - Use the online activity to explore the steps in crossing the road safely. The class will be asked questions about pictures of crossing scenarios. The questions can be discussed as a class or answered by individuals.
4. Demonstrating Understanding - For this role play activity it would be good to have a large space, like the gym or playground and mark out a pretend road and pavement using chalk or cones. Ask the children to work in pairs or groups of three. One takes on the role of being an adult. The others have to show they know how to cross the (pretend) road by holding hands, stopping at the kerb, looking and listening, etc.
5. Review and Recall – With the children in twos, give them a few minutes to ‘think, pair and share’ the important steps in crossing roads safely.
Image of Safe Crossing
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