Phoning Emergency Services

CfE Experiences and Outcomes

I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others and to reduce the potential for harm when possible. HWB 1-16a.

1.  Connecting the Learning - Ask the class if they remember learning about the role of a Firefighter? Explain that they are now going to learn how to get help from the Fire and Rescue Service.
2.  Sharing the Learning Outcomes -

• I can identify what number to phone in the event of an emergency.
• I can explain what information I need to give to a 999 call handler in the event of a fire.
• I can give examples of a real emergency and when it is appropriate to phone 999.
3.  Active Learning -

• Ask the children if they know what the emergency number is?
• Ask them if they know when the emergency number should be phoned?
• Ask them if they know what information they would have to give if they ever had to phone 999?
4.  Demonstrating Understanding – Use the resource to practice talking to the call handler.

Explain that they should not be scared about phoning 999 – the Emergency Services are there to help and will guide you through the phone call.

Staff should stress to children that calls should never be made to 999 unless there is a fire or other real emergency situation.
5.  Review and Recall - Remind the class about the Learning Outcomes and ask them all to give 1 example of when it would be appropriate to phone 999.

Please record this evidence on the “phoning 999 Record Sheet” provided in the Teachers Note.

Image of Phoning Emergency Services
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