Dear Diary

CfE Experiences and Outcomes

Respect personal space and boundaries and respond appropriately to verbal and non-verbal communication. HWB 2-45a..


Connecting the Learning -  Look at Dear Diary transcripts on smartboard. Discuss who might have written these and how they must be feeling. Discuss who is responsible for harming the people. Is it a stranger/family member/so called friend? Can you always see from the outside that something like this is happening?

NB: Use language – inside hurting/outside hurting/sexual abuse when referring to harm (terminology used by CEDAR). Have you seen any programmes on television where these issues have arisen? Discuss that tv programmes often run storylines that connect with real life situations in order to promote awareness of these issues.

2. Sharing the Learning Outcomes -

• I am aware of types of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional)
• I understand about hurting and fighting.
• I know how to keep my body safe.
• I know who to talk to if I am worried or scared.
• I know I am not responsible for other people’s behaviours .
3. Active Learning - Choose one of the diary entries to discuss in small groups. Write up a reply from the diary on a large sheet of paper suggesting what the person can do to get help. Who can they talk to? Family/friends/Childline/teachers.
4. Demonstrating Understanding - Each child compiles a mindmap of people they trust, with themselves in the middle, then the next most important people etc.
5. Review and Recall – Groups present replies to Dear Diary to rest of the class. Other groups can add suggestions and debate answers. Children complete a sentence on exit cards saying “Trust is...”.


Image of Dear Diary
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